Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One of the most annoying things for me is when someone says 'you wouldn't know'. like how would you know what i know and what i dont? and no im no know-it-all, just dont judge. HAHAHAHAHHAHA now i sound like those people that say 'dont judge me, you dont knooooooooooow me' and add that squinty look at the end. We all know we all judge, especially on first impressions. whether its a good judgement like 'oh she looks like a nice person' or a bad judgment like 'i bet shes a whore'. its still assuming without knowing the truth a.k.a judging. hahhahahah if you are still readng on, i dont know why you are, cos its like 3am and instead of being tired, im really restless and felt like ranting :)

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